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1:50 2024-2025 Leadership Introduction
Meet our new Student Leadership group. Video created by Ronin Abajon our Commissioner of Publicity/Social Media.
Uploaded Jun 17, 2024 to Student Life -
8:44 Uploaded Feb 07, 2024 by Janine Durana
2:56 Mother's Day (Virtual) Tea Party Uploaded Jun 09, 2021 by Jennifer Silva
5:41 L.O.V.E Song
For Valentine's Day, the 1st grade class performed the song L.O.V.E for our St. Bede community.
Uploaded Feb 16, 2021 -
5:36 The Amazing Monster Show Uploaded Jan 28, 2021
4:59 The Whole Word is Waiting for Love
Music Monday (#13)
Uploaded Jan 11, 2021
The Whole World is Waiting for Love is an Advent hymn written by Sr. Marianne Misetich SNJM and was first published in 1977.
In this Music Monday video: Sung by St. Bede Students and alumni who are active members of Our Lady of Angels Children Choir. Danica Gregorio on the piano, Amir Aslanbaigi on the keyboard and Bass guitar.
Permission to podcast/stream the music is obtained from ONE LICENSE, A-733975. All rights reserved. -
36:20 Christmas Around the World
This year, the c/o 2024 hosted a virtual Christmas Around the World event. Each student had to choose a country to research for their project. The 5th graders looked into traditional foods, places to visit, and traditions celebrated around the holidays. Then they wrote a script and narrated it on Adobe Spark. Each student in the class formed 60-90 second commercials about their country. Mrs. Chen then compiled all of the videos into one main video for our families to watch. During this video, you will travel all around the world to many different places. We hope you enjoy our Christmas Around the World celebration!
Uploaded Dec 18, 2020 -
1:33 Virtual Polar Express Day
St. Bede's Fantastic First Graders celebrated their first ever VIRTUAL Polar Express Day this year! We are so happy that we were able to continue this longstanding First Grade tradition despite this year being a tad bit different. We received very special magical gifts and hot chocolate from the jolly old man himself, learned all about reindeer, shared conversations with some very special elven visitors, and even went to the North Pole and back! It was truly magical, especially for those that truly BELIEVE!
Uploaded Dec 18, 2020 -
1:45 The Polar Express Conductor
St. Bede's Fantastic First Graders celebrated their first ever VIRTUAL Polar Express Day this year! We are so happy that we were able to continue this longstanding First Grade tradition despite this year being a tad bit different. We received very special magical gifts and hot chocolate from the jolly old man himself, learned all about reindeer, shared conversations with some very special elven visitors, and even went to the North Pole and back! It was truly magical, especially for those that truly BELIEVE!
Uploaded Dec 18, 2020 -
2:47 "O Come O Come Emmanuel"
Music Monday (#12)
Uploaded Dec 15, 2020
"O Come O Come Emmanuel” by: John Mason Neale (translator) 1861
In this Music Monday video: Sung by Ihliyana Tran and accompanied by Amir Aslanbaigi. Ihliyana is a St. Bede Catholic School student and is active in the music ministry as a member of the Our Lady Queen of Angels Children Choir.
Permission to podcast/stream the music is obtained from ONE LICENSE, A-733975. All rights reserved.